Friday, March 26, 2010

Book Review: How to Wash a Cat

Title How to Wash a Cat (Cats and Curios Mystery)
Author Rebecca M. Hale
Rating ***1/2
Tags mystery, series, san francisco, antique shop, gold rush 

First in a new series about a young woman accountant who has just inherited her uncle's antique shop which specializes in artifacts that relate to California's Gold Rush. Our narrator decides to keep the shop and move in with her two cats, though she is not altogether sure what to do with it and it needs a lot of renovation to bring up to local standards. She begins to find indications that Oscar's death may not have been a stroke and to find out that there are mysteries relating to the Gold Rush past that may be still causing trouble.

This is an ok book. The characters of the narrator and Uncle Oscar and a couple of others come through well, but at least one character needs more fleshing out, as does the plot. It is good enough that I'll read the next book in the series.

Publication Berkley (2010), Paperback, 304 pages
Publication date 2010
ISBN 0425232042 / 9780425232040

Posted via web from reannon's posterous

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