Thursday, December 3, 2009

Book Review: Lucky Jim

Title Lucky Jim (Penguin Classics)
Author Kingsley Amis
Rating ***
Tags fiction, humor, academia, england, 1950s 

My bookclub read this Kingsley Amis book after hearing it referred to as a modern classic and very funny. The consensus opinion in the bookclub meeting was, eh, not so much. Only two people had finished it, though. I was not one of them. I did finish it that night, and liked it better after finishing it. And I noticed that although none of us found it that funny, we did laught a lot talking about it.

The book is the story of Jim Dixon, who has his first college teaching job in one of the less prestigious British universities. He doesn't like the job, or most of the people. He is in something, not quite a relationship. wth Margaret, who recently swallowed too many pills over despair over another man. He meets another woman, Christine, who is dating the son of his chairman. It is a recipe for disaster, but it all turns out right in the end.



Introduction – Lodge, David
Publication Penguin Classics (1993), Paperback, 272 pages
Publication date 1993
ISBN 0140186301 / 9780140186307

Posted via web from reannon's posterous

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