Thursday, December 3, 2009

Book Review: I'd Rather We Got Casinos: And Other Black Thoughts

Title I'd Rather We Got Casinos: And Other Black Thoughts
Author Larry Wilmore
Rating ****
Tags essays, humor, black, chocolate 

I've really enjoyed Larry Wilmore in his appearances on The Daily Show. This book is a collection of short essays on things black, including occasional "Random black thoughts". The funniest to me was the one on Sudoku - he said he had no black thoughts on Sudoku.

I enjoyed the book a great deal. Some of the jokes went on a bit long, as in having four letters to the NAACP trying to persuade them to use the word "chocolate" for blacks.

Fun fast read.

Publication Hyperion (2009), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 288 pages
Publication date 2009

Posted via web from reannon's posterous

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