Sunday, June 28, 2009

Book Review: Guardian of Lies

Title: Guardian of Lies: A Paul Madriani Novel (Paul Madriani Novels)
Author: Steve Martini
Rating: ****
Tags: paul madriani, series, thrillers

This book was my introduction to Steve Martini's work, and what an adrenalin-pumping introduction it is.

The lawyer Paul Madriani talks to a beautiful young South American woman in the grocery store. Soon thereafter she is charged with the murder of the older man she was living with. We know that he was killed by a hit-man, and the plot gets more complex when it seems that behind it all is a plot by terrorists to loose a nuclear device in the U.S.

The pace is so fast that it is hard to have time to think about the plot, but the plot is overall a good one, although there were a few unaswered questions. Characterization is pretty good, though the people get lost to some degree in the action. The brst character to me, actually, wasn't in the book for long, she was an agent assigned to get information from Katia, the woman accused of the murder.

A recommened read if you're looking for a thriller.

Publication William Morrow (2009), Hardcover, 448 pages
Publication date 2009
ISBN 0061230901 / 9780061230905

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